Politicians from different political parties and regions started claiming that their area is back ward when compared to the rest of AP.
Some even went to an extent that their area is wealthy in the days of Pre-Independence.. But they lost all resources post independence..
Some Claim that they dont have proper drinking water and some say that their jobs are snatched by non Locals.Some even say that their grand fathers used to have a surplus budget of 100 crores... But they lost every thing with the formation of AP.
God Knows what these Politicians are doing all these days and what a pity that people are not Questioning them for their backwardness when these politicians clam it before them..These very same politicians are ruling their constancies from the past 60 yrs.. Its the very same people who have been alloted with hefty amounts for their constituency development. Almost equal amounts based on the demographies. They looted peoples Money all these days... Destroyed peoples Assets(Public Transport etc..) with their loyal supporters.. and now claiming for Non development of their regions...
How many times we have seen a politician taking an agitation for basic needs(Proper drinking water / Basic human Needs / Good Medication for Poor / Price Raises / Quality Education for every one/ Eradicating the Bribe system in all public sectors ).
Did any of these politicians got guts to come out and project the developments that they have done with the Fund allocated for their constituency.. They have done nothing for people and made Crores of money using their power and People still believe what these people say and get emotional with their talks???? Cant we use or sense.
Do we lack it or we switch it off when we listen to them?????
Cant they see that all the 100 reasons are just because they failed to do their duty. They are supposed to fight for peoples cause... but they fought with each other... for their Money.. For their Greed.. for their power... they waste all their time in Assembly just by blaming each other...
Dont we people know that??? Havent we seen it before... What do you think? with a separate state we are going to be tru with all that and every one will fight for peoples cause????? What a JOKE....
Its a mere political game played by Jobless politicians.
Whom they are fooling??????????????????????????